Robotboy Fanon Wikia
  • (fade in: It is mid-morning at the doctor's office, the Turnbull’s were worried about Tommy. The Doctor examines Tommy)
  • The Doctor: I’m sorry, Deborah. Your son today is coming down with a terrible flu, he won’t go to school today or tomorrow.
  • Debbie: Aw man.
  • Tommy: And on a Friday even! What can I do, doctor?
  • The Doctor: Well, there's just one thing to do, get losts of rest and drink plenty of liquids. Now, go home and get some rest. Nothing personal, Turnbulls. I just can't have him sneezing all over the students.
  • Dwight: Come on, son. Let's get you home.
  • Donnie: Since when does he get sick and I don't?!
  • (Sometime later, Tommy is stuck in bed)
  • Robotboy: What wrong, Tommy?
  • Tommy: Oh, Ro, (sniffs) I feel horrible. (sneezes) Oh, who am I kidding, Robotboy, I've got a bad case of the flu, no doubt about it. (sniffs and sneezes) I think you need to be with someone else for a while. (grabs his phone)
  • (at the Jones' house, Katie Jones is in a sports bra and jeans shorts exercising and preparing to go to school when the phone rings)
  • Katie: Hey, hello?
  • Tommy: Katie, I'm sick, could you please come over and do me a favor?
  • Katie: Oh, sure, Tommy. I'll be over there faster than a speeding bullet or a blowing whistle Janet Wolfgang blows during gym-
  • Tommy: (over phone) Yeah, yeah, okay, Katie thanks. (sneezes)
  • (back at the house, Debbie is getting Tommy some juice when the doorbell rings)
  • Debbie: I'll get it. (she opens the door)
  • Katie: Hey, Mrs. Turnbull. Is Tommy sick?
  • Debbie: I'm afraid so, he won't be attending class today.'
  • Katie: Well, that's too bad. Can I at least see him?
  • Debbie: Sure, but you've got get to school on time.
  • Katie: Don't worry, Debbie. I won't be long. (heads upstairs and into Tommy's room) Hi, Tommy, how are you feeling?
  • Tommy: Not so great, Kate. Listen, I need you to do me a big favor.
  • Katie: Sure, anything. What is it?
  • Tommy: Could you take care of Robotboy for me until I get better?
  • Katie: Tommy, your Robotboy, are you sure?
  • Tommy: I just don't want him to catch my influenza. You'll be alright with Katie, won't you, Ro?
  • Robotboy: Kate friend.
  • Katie: Well, okay, Tommy. If you insist. (puts him in her backpack) But I don't want anyone to witness him in my backpack.
  • Tommy: Well, that's the rules. Oh, and you can borrow my watch if you want. (gives Katie his watch) If Dr. Kamikazi is on another one of his schemes, activate him, okay? Now, I need you to leave because I need some rest and quiet. Besides, if you're near me, you'll catch my sickness.
  • Katie: Okay. I'll see you later (closes the door)
  • Tommy: I sure hope she takes good care of Robotboy. (fluffs up his pillows and lies back down)
  • Katie: Gee, Debbie, he sure is sick.
  • Debbie: Tommy will be alright, Katie. He just needs some time to get well.
  • Katie: I know. Well, I gotta get to school, see you around. (leaves the house)
  • Debbie: Bye-bye, Katie. (heads upstairs and goes into Tommy's room) Hey, sweetie, here's your orange juice. It'll help your flu.
  • Tommy: There's no cure for a flu, because a flu is a virus, and medical science hasn't found a cure for viruses.
  • Debbie: I think you're just overreacting. Just take a sip, please, son?
  • Tommy: Well, alright. (drinks some) Not bad. Just the way I like it.
  • Debbie: Now, you better get some rest, I'll be back to check in on you later.
  • Tommy: I just hope rest does me some good, but I'm more worried about how Katie's gonna do with Robotboy. (sneezes and then goes to sleep)
  • (meanwhile at school, Katie, Gus, and Lola are talking)
  • Katie: So Tommy is sick and now he has to stay in bed until he gets better. Until then, I have to take extra care of Robotboy.
  • Lola: Oh, poor Tommy. I'll visit him after school to see if there's anything I can do to help.
  • Gus: And I will see if he has any homework and I'll bring it to him.
  • Katie: Now, I have to keep a sharp eye out for Dr. Kamikazi after school, I have a prediction he's lurking around somewhere.
  • (outside)
  • Dr. Kamikazi: She clearly doesn't have a clue that I am sneaking around. So, Tommy is sick, that fool! Once, I grab Robotboy from her, Robotboy will wish he was never born!
  • Constantine: But boss, we're not supposed to do that during class.
  • Dr. Kamikazi: I know, I meant after school! (they both laugh)
  • (cut to gym class as Janet Wolfgang blows her whistle)
  • Janet: All right, class, since Tommy couldn't be with us, I am choosing Katie Jones to be my fellow associate for this class!
  • Katie: Me?! Really? Janet, you are awesome!
  • Janet: Well, they don't call me the PE Teacher for nothing.
  • Katie: Okay, what do I have to do?
  • Janet: First, get rid of those clothes and put on your exercise gear. (Katie plans to take off her headband) No, no, the headband can stay. It'll help you when you're sweating.
  • Katie: Be right back. (she dashes off)
  • Janet: Do you think she'll be as good as my star student, Tommy will be?
  • Lola: Well, it's best to just try it out and see if it goes. Don't you think, Janet?
  • Janet: I suppose so.
  • Katie: (as she arrives back in her sports bra and jean shorts) I'm back Janet Wolfgang! Now, what are your orders, ma'am? (salutes)
  • Janet: Looks like we've got ourselves a military wannabe. Alright, Katie, here's what you have to do. You and the other kids will jog around the field 5 times, each jog will have you jump over this beam, then come back hear and we can do our streches. Now, are we ready?
  • Students: (dull) Yeah.
  • Katie: Ma'am, yes ma'am!
  • Janet: Then go! (blows whistle and the kids start running) That's right, keep running, keep running! I want you to be big and strong!
  • Katie: (as she's running) Gosh, I wish I could be so demanding as she is! (she jumps over the beam) Keep it going, guys! We've got four more to go!
  • Gus: Why does she have to run so fast?!
  • Lola: She's the Tomboy Kid, never mess with her.
  • Gus: Now she tells me!
  • (sometime later)
  • Janet: Come on, team, keep stretching, we want our muscles to be more muscular!
  • Katie: Gosh, I wonder how Tommy's doing?
  • (back at Tommy's room, Donnie brings in his TV into the room)
  • Donnie: Here you go, brother. You'll be using my TV to watch The Human Fist on there. And here are some extra blankets.
  • Tommy: Donnie, I don't understand, why are you being nice to me?
  • Donnie: Well, remember when I said I was jealous that you were sick and I'm not. Well, I thought maybe you need some nurturing. But don't tell anyone that I'm being nice, okay? I've got a reputation to uphold.
  • Tommy: Who cares? I'm too sick to even tell anybody.
  • Donnie: Whatever. See you around, Thomas. I've got homework to do. (leaves)
  • Tommy: See you. (turns on the TV and watches Human Fist) Sometimes, watching Human Fist makes me feel better.
  • (meanwhile, school comes to a close and Katie, Lola, and Gus are walking out of the building)
  • Katie: Can you believe how nice that gym teacher was? She gave me a gold star. I even glued it to my sports clothes. What did you get?
  • Lola: I got a B+ for best effort.
  • Gus: I've got an C, she says it was the closest thing she'd go for without an F. Well, Tommy doesn't have any homework, so, I'm just gonna go home.
  • Lola: And I'm going to Tommy's house to check on him.
  • Katie: And I've gotta keep an eye out for Dr. Kamikazi. Who knows when he'll come around?
  • Dr. Kamikazi: How about now? (he shows up in a big robotic machine with Constantine)
  • Katie: Dr. Kamikazi and Constantine!
  • Dr. Kamikazi: In person.
  • Constantine: Grab her!
  • Katie: Oh, no! Okay, gotta remember the gym skills. (she dashes off jogging from Kamikazi)
  • Dr. Kamikazi: Quick, Constantine, after him, he must not get away!
  • Constantine: Right away, boss.
  • (meanwhile back at the house, Dwight reads to Tommy a story)
  • Dwight: And so, the cow and the duck brought the boy back to his family, and they all lived happily ever after. The end.
  • Tommy: That was a great story, Dad.
  • Dwight: No problem. Nothing better for my favorite son next to Donnie.
  • (meanwhile, downstairs, Debbie is on the phone with the doctor)
  • Debbie: Yeah, he's resting, he's doing fine, but I am a bit worried. Are there any remedies?
  • The Doctor: Well, finding one is not going to be easy. Just please hold for a moment.
  • Debbie: Okay. (doorbell rings) Come in.
  • Lola: Hi, Mrs. Turnbull, I'm here to see Tommy.
  • Debbie: He's right upstairs, but don't get too close to him, otherwise you'll have what he's having.
  • Lola: Noted (runs upstairs) Hi, Mr. Turnbull.
  • Dwight: Hey, Lola.
  • Debbie: What's that, Doctor? An herbal broth? Is that some kind of soup? Okay, I'll get to work on it.
  • Lola: Hi, Tommy.
  • Tommy: Lola, is that you?
  • Lola: Yep, it's me. I just wanted to see how your doing?
  • Tommy: I'm doing okay, I guess. (sneezes) But I'm still not so hot. It's no fun to be sick. (blows his nose) So, how was school, did anything happen?
  • Lola: Well, your friend Katie Jones was in gym class today and she did such a fantastic job in PE that our teacher, Janet Wolfgang gave her a gold star for great athlete. If she were here right now, she'd probably show you. But she's out with Robotboy.
  • Tommy: Speaking Robotboy, how is he? Is Kate taking care of him?
  • Lola: Oh, I'm pretty sure he's doing fine with her.
  • (meanwhile downtown, Katie continues to run until she reaches a dead end)
  • Katie: Oh, no! A dead end! I'm dead meat!
  • Dr. Kamikazi: Now, you're gonna regret it, Midriff girl!
  • Katie: (brings out Tommy's watch) Dr. Kamikazi, stay back, I'm warning ya.
  • Dr. Kamikazi: Constantine, activate the hand of doom!
  • Constantine: Whatever you say! (pushes button and the hand grabs Katie)
  • Katie: Okay, I warned ya! (pushes the button on the watch and Robotboy goes into Superactive mode) Attack! (Robotboy attacks onto the doctor and his colleague)
  • Dr. Kamikazi: I should've saw this coming! (Robotboy uses his lasers and saws to destroy the robo-machine that caught Katie)
  • Constantine: I think we better head off!
  • Dr. Kamikazi: You may have won this round but we'll be back! (he and Constantine run off)
  • Katie: I know you will. Next time, you're gonna think twice before messin' with the Tomboy Kid! (pants from exhaustion) Good work, Ro. Now, let's take you back to Tommy.
  • Robotboy: Tommy good friend. But he sick.
  • Katie: I know he's sick, but I've had enough babysitting, and enough battles for one day.
  • (back at the house)
  • Lola: So, he said to me "I had to look both ways before I cross the ocean) (she laughs along with Tommy but he then coughs) Oh my gosh!
  • Tommy: Sorry, Lola. It only hurts when I laugh. (deactivated Robotboy gets tossed into his room)
  • Katie: Take back your robot! (comes up from the window) I'm sorry, Tommy, but babysitting is not my thing. I'm just into more of midriff clothing and sports.
  • Tommy: Well, thanks Kate.
  • Katie: Wait, I forgot, look, a gold star from Janet Wolfgang!
  • Tommy: Wow, with glitter too.
  • Debbie: Hey guys. Hiya Katie.
  • Katie: Hi, Debbie.
  • Debbie: Tommy, I need you to try this.
  • Tommy: What is it?
  • Debbie: An herbal broth, your doctor perscribed it to me. Now, I've been told this will ease your flu down.
  • Tommy: Well, okay, whatever works. (eats some of the broth) Mmm, this broth does not taste bad. You know, it's times like this when I need soup. Thanks Mom.
  • Debbie: No problem, Now, after dinner, I need you to get some sleep, and as for you two, I think you better go home.
  • Lola: Aww, do I have to?
  • Debbie: Goodbye, Lola. I'm calling your father to tell him you're coming.
  • Katie: Come on, Lola, I'll take you home. (takes her into her arms)
  • Lola: Thanks, Katie.
  • Katie: (looks down and notices she's up in mid-air, and a bye bye and crashes) I'm okay! (groans)
  • Tommy: See you around guys. (yawns) I'm so tired.
  • Debbie: Now, get some sleep. Good night, sweetie. (turns out the light)
  • (the next day Saturday, Tommy wakes up, no longer nasally or anything)
  • Tommy: Man, what a day, yesterday. Hey, I think my flu is gone. (jumps out of bed) I guess rest is the best medicine.
  • (Lola, Donnie, and Katie are downstairs looking quite drowsy and they're sneezing, obviously have the cold)
  • Tommy: Look guys, I'm all better.
  • Lola: We all caught your cold, Tommy.
  • Tommy: Well, I'm sorry.
  • Donnie: It's like you said, being sick is no fun. (sneezes)
  • Katie: You better stay away from it this time, or you'll get sick again!
  • Tommy: I think I have a suggestion.
  • (sometime later)
  • Tommy: Is the broth ready, Mom?
  • Debbie: It sure is, Tommy. Now, go serve it to your friends.
  • (Tommy heads into his bedroom and hands each of the others broth)
  • Donnie: Do I have to eat this disgusting stuff?
  • Tommy: Be nice or no desserts for you, Donnie. You know, thanks to Mom's broth, I can wait on you guys until you get better.
  • Lola: Surely, you gotta have some ice cream and orange juice!
  • Tommy: I do. And don't call me Shirley.
  • (END)