Robotboy Fanon Wikia

CAUTION: Not everything in the script may sound suitable.

  • (starts off with Tommy and Robotboy in their bedroom)
  • Tommy: Phew. Gee, Ro, in hot weather, you do as little as possible.
  • RobotBoy: But Robotboy no feel hot.
  • Tommy: That's because you're a robot. There's less of you to feel heat. I wonder how some of my friends around the Bay Area are doing with this heatwave.
  • (cut to the jungle where Clyde wakes up from his nap)
  • Clyde: Aah, nothing like a good heatwave to relax my muscles. And a perfect day to visit my friends and the love of my life, Janet. I just gotta grab some sunscreen. And as for the loincloth, I don't need this, it's too hot for me to even wear it. (unties his loincloth and drops it to the ground exposing his little trunk) Ever since Katie taught me how to not be worried about nudity, I adore it! (his trunk becomes erect) Good boy, Lofty, let the arousing heat powers flow through your snout. Okay, I think I'm ready to go visit Tommy. (grabs the vine and swings off)
  • (meanwhile back at the Turnbull house)
  • Tommy: At least the AC still works. (knock on the door) Come in. (Lola enters) Oh, hi Lola. What's going on?
  • Lola: Just came to remind you that Clyde is gonna drop by later.
  • Tommy: Is he gonna come by naked due to the hot conditions?
  • Lola: Yeah, he prefers to live in the jungle, what do you expect? But I have more news. The Hottest Girl is coming today.
  • Tommy: You mean Rosalita? I've heard about her. Isn't she the one who adores hot weather so much that she's invulnerable to it?
  • Lola: The same.
  • Clyde: There's a girl in town who adores heat waves? (he comes in through the window)
  • Tommy: Oh, hi Clyde. Let me guess, naked day due to the heat?
  • Clyde: Yep. Have too. Rules are rules. Good thing nudity is somewhat legal in the Bay Area.
  • Lola: Just as long as only one is nude. (saxophone music plays in the background) Hey, I know where that's coming from. It's the limo of Rosalita.
  • Clyde: Rosalita: I've never heard of her.